Money Assistance North Carolina – Help paying bills, rent, loans & more

According to Poverty USA, North Carolina ranks number 40 among the other states in terms of its poverty level. 17.9% of residents are living at or below the federal poverty level. This is a huge issue on the local, state and national level, so North Carolina has coordinated programs that are designed to help low-income families and individuals in need. If you are having issues paying bills or need financial help there are many options available to assist.

Below are multiple ways to get financial help in North Carolina. Services that include help paying bills, rent, food/groceries, personal loans, debt relief and as mentioned various government benefits and support agencies across Charlotte, Raleigh, Greensboro and all other cities in North Carolina.

Social Security Loans (SSI)
Many residents living in North Carolina collecting Social Security may qualify for more financial assistance through SSI. For those whose only income is Social Security and you are in need of a loan, there may be specialist lenders who will assist. Learn more about SSI and other social security loan options here.

Assistance with Utilities: If you’re having trouble affording your utility bills, there are quite a few assistance programs in North Carolina that aimed at helping those in need. One of the most notable programs that can help is Share the Warmth funded by Duke Energy. The program is administered by community action agencies and non-profit organizations all across the state. They provide financial assistance in order to help low-income individuals pay their utility bills throughout the winter.

Food Assistance: The North Carolina Division of Social Services administers Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) for low-income families. Eligibility is determined by income and family size. This program is designed to give residents in need monthly benefits that can be used to purchase food.

Loan Assistance: When on a low income it can be difficult to obtain a personal loan. Fortunately there are great specialty loans which are designed for those on a low income or with bad credit (not payday loans). These loan options are provided by certain banks, credit unions and non-profits. Learn about these different loan options here.


Rent and Mortgage: With so many people in the Unites States having trouble finding affordable housing, the federal government has made programs available for North Carolina residents. The program, often referred to as HUD is administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and creates reduced rental availabilities. HUD housing makes it easier for apartment owners to make subsidized apartments available. The second option is Section 8 housing. Vouchers are used to supplement rent payments to certain Public housing. HUD can also help you if you’re a homeowner by assisting you in avoiding foreclosures.

Medical Assistance: In North Carolina, residents in need of medical assistance can enroll in Medicaid. It is a program administered by the North Carolina Division of Medical Assistance and it’s designed to pay for healthcare for eligible individuals. Health Choice for Children is a health insurance program that is available for low-income children whose families aren’t eligible for Medicaid.

Educational Assistance: The North Carolina State Education Assistance Authority is the go to source of educational assistance for North Carolina residents. They make financial assistance such as loans, grants and scholarships from the state and federal level available to any individual pursuing higher education. Their goal is to promote access to these financial aid opportunities by collaborating with schools through outreach activities.

Community Action Center: The Community Action Association in North Carolina coordinates various local, state and federal programs that are aimed at helping North Carolina residents. They work as advocates for these residents when dealing with policymakers. The primary goal of this community action center is to reduce the number of people struggling because of poverty.

Charities: There are many charities in North Carolina willing to help the residents, but one of the biggest is Catholic Charities. They have dedicated themselves to providing resources to those in need. Regardless of race, religion, gender or age, they offer help with housing, food, financial aid, clothing and holiday assistance. Other local charities include Ronald McDonald House Charities and The Salvation Army.


Learn more about free items and other money assistance services in North Carolina, including: Free clothes, furniture, car, school accessories, help with fines, seasonal items & more!
The below services are in general and may not be available in North Carolina. However, if not available, many may have partnerships with other organizations through out the state that they can connect you with.

Free Hotel or Motel Vouchers for the Homeless or Emergencies
Those experiencing hardship and are without a roof over their head can access different types of short and possibly longer term accommodation throughout North Carolina. Learn more about accommodation assistance in here.

Dealing with tickets or fines
If you have unpaid tickers or fines, avoiding them will only create further financial and credit problems. Learn about ways to get assistance with dealing with fines in North Carolina, from requesting a waiver or challenging inaccurate fines. Get the information you need to tackle fines here.

How to get a free laptop or computer
Low income families have a range of organizations that provide free technology assistance such as computers and laptops throughout the country including North Carolina. Learn about what free computers and laptop organizations are near you and how to apply here.

Getting a free or low cost car
At any given time there are different organizations that assist low income earners with transportation. Across the country and in North Carolina there are different services that assist people with getting a vehicle. Learn more about free cars, how to get one and where to apply.

How to get free gas for emergencies
Gas prices in North Carolina like most of the country are extremely high. This can put serious pressure on the family budget. For those dealing with cashflow issues and finding it hard to put fuel in the car, there is help. Learn how to get free gas for emergencies through free gas vouchers.